" Witchy Notes "for Halloween!
check 'em out!
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Special note to those arriving directly from other sites or search engines: This is NOT the main page of Witchy's Place. Please check out the site index at the bottom of this page.
Surprise!!!...from me to you!
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Annoy The Litle Man!...move the arrow around & make his day!
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You Can Make In Your Kitchen...Dancing raisins,
electric lemons, prop blood,etc.
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Clunk...Totally addictive! Somehow people have scored over 500 on this!
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Dialectizer...Enter a website URL and the English
text will be converted to dialect of your choice!
("redneck"," Swedish chef", "Elmer Fudd", etc!)
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Glam Name Generator...My name is "Ferrari Tinselcakes"!
What's Yours?
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Hang Pumpkin...Name says it all!
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How Stuff Works...Like engines, technology, your body, Root Canals ,etc!
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Kitty...Awww-dorble! Move the arrow across kitty, wayyy kewl!
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Your Own Pez Dispenser!... ;-)!
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Moon Quiz... Not an easy one!
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Fun Pages!...Play ping pong, work an
animated puzzle,or make up a story & more!
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Name That Candy
Bar!...Can you tell which is which by
looking at crossections?
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Optical Illusions!...Interesting how our eyes play tricks!
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Psychoanalyze Yourself!...Interesting! (you may have to "reload" page. )
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Really Funny Misheard
Lyrics...Follow all the links,too, if u
love to laugh!
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B>Send Your Name To Mars!!>...Yes! For
real! NASA wants you!
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That Do Stuff...And there's lots of 'em!
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B>...American and Foreign regional slang words!
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Touch Me Tender Froggy!... will crack u up!!!
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What's Your
Name?;-)...for example, George Bush's new
name is: ~ Fluffy Toiletshorts ~
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Your Wu-Name...Find your Wu-Name
produces interesting,& sometimes amazing results!
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B>Zak Martin's ESP Laboratory...Test
your ESP!
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Web Puzzler...Too much fun!
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Folklore!...Test your knowledge of "All Hallow's Eve"!
The 12 Days of
Halloween!...Done (kareoke) like the 12
days of xmas! Hilarious!
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Stampede...You can even submit your own
questions, if u wish!
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For WebTv Users Only
PC users)
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Carve Your Own Virtual Pumpkin!
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Mind Teaser
if u like witchy's

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